You are currently viewing How to Install Sucuri Security Plugin on WordPress Website

I have been working in cybersecurity for the past nine years, and I have seen many websites getting infected and even reinfected over time. Most of the time, it’s WordPress sites that are targeted.

When I was new in this field, one of my own WordPress sites was hacked. The attacker replaced my homepage with a message saying, “Your website has been hacked by some attacker.” It was a terrible experience, almost like a nightmare.

wordpress website

New vulnerabilities keep getting discovered, and attackers constantly look for ways to exploit them. That’s why websites continue to come under attack, and keeping them secure is more important than ever.

WordPress is one of the most commonly used CMS for websites, hence, making it a common CMS to target by hackers. Weak security configurations, out-of-date plugins, and other flaws commonly lead to website compromises.

“WordPress is used by 43.4% of all websites. Among those created with a known CMS, the market share is even higher – 62.8%.”, as said by Brian from Hostinger in February, 2025.

Did you know that using a security plugin, like Sucuri security, is one of the greatest ways to protect your WordPress website? Well, I didn’t know until I found out that the Sucuri Security Plugin provides important security features such as malware scanning, security hardening, website monitoring, and a firewall (for premium users).

So, would you want to know the step-by-step easy installation, configuration, and usage of the Sucuri Security Plugin? Let’s get started and I am telling you from my experience that this plugin works like a charm for your website’s security.

First things first, what is Sucuri Security Plugin?

The Sucuri Security Plugin is a WordPress security tool designed to protect websites from malware, hacks, and other online threats that is developed by Sucuri. The plugin offers multiple layers of protection, including malware scanning, security hardening, and post-hack recovery options. This is currently owned by GoDaddy.

Sucuri Security WordPress Plugin

But, Why Should I Use Sucuri Security for My WordPress Site?

What’s different, huh? That’s what I asked when I was browsing through all the security plugins available for WordPress. Sucuri Security provides an extra layer of protection against different types of security threats. These are the key points or features that makes it stand out from the other security plugins. Here’s how it helps secure your WordPress website:

Protects Against Brute Force Attacks

We all know that hackers use automated bots to guess passwords, like a password guesser and password sprayer, and gain access to your WordPress site. Sucuri plugin detects multiple failed login attempts and locks out unauthorized users.

Scans for Malware and Security Issues

The plugin runs malware scans and detects security vulnerabilities. If your site is infected, it alerts you and guides you on how to remove the malicious code.

Performs Security Hardening

A hard wall prevents a lot of suspicious activities on your site. Sucuri applies WordPress hardening measures to address typical security vulnerabilities. This includes disabling PHP execution in certain directories, restricting XML-RPC access, and hiding sensitive WordPress information.

Provides File Integrity Monitoring

How would you feel if you can simply know what files were recently modified on your website? Wouldn’t that be a good thing to keep a check on any recent modifications? Sucuri monitors changes in core WordPress files and plugin directories. If any suspicious changes are detected, it will alert you.

Helps Recover a Hacked Website

If your site is compromised, Sucuri offers post-hack security guidance and file restoration options. I mean, it is just like a supporting hand on my back!

There are even more, like

  • Blocklist Monitoring
  • Security Notifications
  • Website Firewall (premium)
  • Cache-Control header administration

Sucuri plugin features

Now, Let’s begin with the installation, configuration and usage of the plugin.

Installing, configuring and using this plugin is as easy as your ABCs. Even if you are a beginner, you can do all this without any lines on your forehead.

Installing Sucuri Security Plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Go to Plugins > Add New.
  3. In the search bar, type Sucuri Security.
  4. Locate “Sucuri Security – Auditing, Malware Scanner, and Hardening” and click Install Now.
  5. Once installed, click Activate.

Alternatively, you can download the plugin from the WordPress Plugin Repository or Sucuri website and upload it manually.

Configuring Sucuri Security Plugin

After activation, a new menu item Sucuri Security will appear in your WordPress dashboard. The plugin requires an API key to connect to Sucuri’s remote security services.

  1. Go to Sucuri Security > Dashboard.
  2. Click on Generate API Key.
  3. Allow the plugin to store security logs and monitor your site.

Once the API key is activated, the plugin will start monitoring security events on your website.

Using the Sucuri Security Plugin

Running a Malware Scan

Sucuri Security includes a built-in malware scanner that checks your website for suspicious files and security vulnerabilities.

  1. Navigate to Sucuri Security > Malware Scan.
  2. Click Run Scan.

The plugin will check for:

  • Malware infections
  • Blocklist status (Google Safe Browsing, McAfee, etc.)
  • Outdated plugins and vulnerabilities

If malware is found, Sucuri will provide suggestions for cleanup.

Applying Security Hardening

The plugin offers several security hardening features that protect WordPress from common attack vectors.

Go to Sucuri Security > Hardening and enable the following recommended security measures:

  • Disable PHP execution in Uploads – Prevents malware execution in the uploads folder.
  • Restrict XML-RPC Access – Protects against brute force attacks and XML-RPC exploits.
  • Hide WordPress Version – Prevents attackers from identifying known vulnerabilities.
  • Disable Plugin and Theme Editing – Prevents unauthorized file modifications.

Applying these hardening options helps reduce the risk of attack on your website.

Monitoring Security Logs

Sucuri jots down all security-related activity on your WordPress site in logs. This includes:

  • Failed login attempts
  • Plugin installations and updates
  • File modifications
  • User activity

To access logs:

Go to Sucuri Security > Logs.

Review recent security events.

This feature makes me happy because I can always check what’s going on with my website. Monitoring logs helps identify potential threats before they turn into major security issues.

sucuri security plugin audit logs

Post-Hack Recovery

Don’t we all feel stuck if our site is hacked and after cleanup we all see a broken site? This particular feature saves you a lot of time from reviewing and filling in the gaps in your site. If your site is compromised, follow these steps:

  1. Run a Malware Scan to identify infected files.
  2. Check the Core Integrity under the Sucuri dashboard. If core WordPress files are modified, restore them to their original versions.
  3. Manually remove suspicious code from infected files or restore them from a clean backup.
  4. Change all passwords, including WordPress admin, database, and FTP credentials.
  5. Update all plugins and themes to their latest versions.

Sucuri’s Premium Services

Are you also a person who wants premium quality services just like me? Well, say no more!! Sucuri Security plugin offers premium services too. Sucuri offers a Web Application Firewall (WAF) as a paid service. It filters and blocks malicious traffic before it reaches your site, protecting against:

  • DDoS attacks
  • SQL injections
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS)
  • Bad bots and automated attacks

Did you know? Sucuri’s premium plan includes a professional malware removal service. Those guys are dedicated to keep your site safe and secure all the time. They’ll take up your site’s FTP/SFTP credentials and clean your site, make it as good as new and not just this, they would also run your site through various external scans to make sure everything is at the right place!


Securing your WordPress site isn’t optional, it’s a necessity these days. Sucuri Security is one of the most effective tools for protecting WordPress websites against malware, hacks, and unauthorized access. If you’re looking for advanced protection, consider upgrading to the premium Web Application Firewall (WAF).

Key Points to Safeguard Your Site

In addition to using any security plugin, always, I repeat, always follow these security best practices:

  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication.
  • Keep WordPress, themes, and plugins updated to patch vulnerabilities.
  • Limit login attempts to prevent brute force attacks.
  • Regularly back up your website to avoid data loss in case of an attack.

With all this, you can easily keep your WordPress site safe from cyber threats.

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